Geohot has find solution for 1.1.2 ..


AVClub Enthusiast
2 November 2007
ο Geohot βρηκε τιν λυση για 1.1.2 με baseband 4.6 βασισμενος στο νεο firmware 1.1.3 ...Αλλα νομιζω χρειαζονται ειδικες γνωσεις για το επιχειρημα αυτο...καλυτερα να παριμενετε οσοι εχετε iphone me 4.6
περισσοτερα εδω:


AVClub Enthusiast
2 November 2007
geohot's 1.1.2 software unlock
yes, this is what you have all been waiting for

1. Download these:
gunlock and the secpack from or the blog
the 4.02.13 fls from MIRROR

2. Downgrade your phone to 1.0.2. See all the great tutorials online to do this.
Your baseband won't be downgraded, this is normal.
This will probably work on other versions too, but 1.1.2 doesn't lose wifi on bb access.

3. Kill CommCenter and run "gunlock secpack ICE04.02.13_G.fls"

4. Reload CommCenter. For some reason my phone was in brick mode. Use the elite team bricktool to get out.

5. Enjoy your 1.1.2 OTB unlocked iPhone

Now who'd have thought it'd be this easy

This release is no thanks to elite/dev
I wish they would share like the old days.
I don't believe everyone in the team is like this, but come on guys.

If you want to contribute to me, the person who discovered these exploits and wrote this tool
paypal [email protected]


AVClub Enthusiast
2 November 2007
τα files υπαρχουν και στο ινσταλλερ και ειναι και για τιν 1.1.2 και 1.1.3 με baseband 4.6


AVClub Enthusiast
2 November 2007
Mr. George Hotz, guardian of the freedom of the iPhone, granter of hope to the masses, owner of a Nissan 350z, has once again graced us with an unlock solution we were waiting on, as you may have seen.

I've packaged it up for Installer now [UPDATE, NEW INSTRUCTIONS], if you have an OTB 1.1.2/1.1.3, you will need to:
downgrade to 1.1.1,
install this package,
OkToPrep and updgrade/jailbreak 1.1.2 (just hold down Option (shift in Windows) while pressing upgrade, and point iTunes to the 1.1.2 firmware file)
and then install the DevTeam upgrade to get back to 1.1.3.

You'll wind up with an unlocked 1.1.3 with the 4.6 BL. (thanks, BigBoss, for suggestion).

I will be looking into a native app to run this, so you can run it straight from 1.1.3. I'll let ya know.

DO NOT RUN THIS ON A 3.9 BL iPHONE - it will be bad.
